New production and administration facilities for SchäferRolls d.o.o. in Brnik, Slovenia
New hall and building concept on a greenfield site
SchäferRolls d.o.o., manufacturer of high-performance roll covers made of elastomer materials in Slovenia and a subsidiary of SchäferRolls GmbH & Co. KG from Renningen in Germany, moved into new premises near Brnik Airport, Slovenia,
at the end of 2020. “Quite with pride we are happy to present our new facilities“, says Gregor Ažman, Managing Director of SchäferRolls d.o.o. “After the lease for our previous location in Kranj expired, we took the opportunity
to design a completely new hall and building concept on a blank sheet of paperthat is ideally designed to meet the requirements of our production.”
Increased efficiency through additional capacity and a modern logistics concept
The production hall with almost 5,000 m² follows the latest specifications of building and production technology, both architecturally and in terms of process technology. The production area is divided into three parts which ensures
maximum utilization of the space and the production facilities. “The aim was to significantly reduce internal operational logistics and to create more space for the mechanical maintenance of rolls”, explains Ažman. “I am convinced
that we now have ideal conditions to offer our customers the best possible service.”
The administrative staff now also have access to spacious industrial-style premises with a modern lighting and acoustic concept.