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What’s new at SchäferRolls?

SchäferRolls d.o.o. Slovenija solar power plant

The SchäferRolls Solar Power Plant (power 253.89 kWp) Project has been awarded a grant of € 43,006.60 under the Call for proposals to co-finance the construction of new small-scale solar facilities (JR SE OVE 2021), managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure (now the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy) […]

The project aims to:

  1. increase electricity production by harnessing solar energy,
  2. ensure partial energy self-sufficiency in the business and production facility,
  3. reduce CO 2 greenhouse gas emissions.

The SchäferRolls solar power plant is expected to generate 265,629 kWh of electricity per year. The electricity generation through harnessing solar energy will contribute to reducing CO 2 emissions by around 130 t/year.

The SchäferRolls solar power plant is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union under the Cohesion Fund. The public call SE OVE 2021 is implemented under the Operational programme for the implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy 2014–2020, priority axis “Sustainable consumption and production of energy and smart grids”, priority investment “Promotion of the production and distribution of energy from renewable energy sources” and the specific objective “Increasing the share of renewable energy sources in final energy consumption”.

For more information on the European Structural and Investment Funds, visit